標題: Cheap Baltimore Orioles Jerseys the trainers

帖子 11754
註冊 2017-10-10
用戶註冊天數 2457
發表於 2018-7-26 20:31
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It appears as though tardy payments to trainers of the One Laptop Per Family initiative is becoming a norm as once again, scores of trainers are complaining of not receiving payments for services rendered several months ago.This is while several thousand homes are currently benefiting from both the laptop and training services rendered by the trainers.Government, under the leadership of former President Bharat Jagdeo, has committed billions of dollars to the programme, under which, almost every household is expected to receive a laptop computer free of cost.One component of the programme entails the hiring of persons to train the recipients in the use of the devices. This aspect involves four,Nike Air Max Cheap Wholesale, two-hour training sessions,Nike Vapormax Plus Womens, three times a week at a rate of $2000 per hour.“This is not the first time, and these people doing the same thing continuously. It is not fair to us. We have families to cater for. They need to pay us for the work that we’re doing,” one of the trainers told this newspaper.Last year saw trainers in tears over money owed to them. They were not even paid before the Christmas holidays.“Last year Christmas de come and gone, Mash de come and gone and is just promises and more promises they had we on. They just have you going and coming,Clark Griswold Jersey, and dem doing it again,Off White Vapormax For Sale,” a frustrated trainer told Kaieteur News.Another person added that “they does want blame we that we ain’t fulling out the claims during the time that we’re required to, but that is nah true. We does do we thing and these people does always come with excuse after excuse. It’s unfair. Dem is nah the ones who does be struggling to put bread on the table fuh them children yuh know. They own well buttered while some of us ain’t even got.”According to the trainers,Nike Shox Clearance, they are required to submit their claims to the OLPF office in a timely manner to facilitate payment.One of the trainers told this newspaper that whenever they (the trainers) query the delay in their payment,Discount NFL Jerseys Sale, persons from the OLPF’s Accounts Department would usually tell them that the matter will be looked into.Kaieteur News was told by an official attached to the OLPF initiative that some of the trainers have already been paid, and that the others can expect payments in a few weeks time.