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註冊 2017-10-10
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發表於 2018-7-25 02:48
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Jailed for 15 years: Abdel NurNew York (Bloomberg) – A Guyanese citizen who pleaded guilty to aiding a plot to blow up New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport was yesterday sentenced to 15 years in prison, the maximum punishment he could receive.Abdel Nur, 61, was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Dora Irizarry in Brooklyn, New York. Nur pleaded guilty in June, on the eve of his trial, to one count of providing support to terrorists.“This plot was intended to cause great economic harm to the United States and to cause death and serious physical injury to countless people,Nike Air Max Zero Mens,” Irizarry said.The foiled attacks, hatched by Russell DeFreitas in 2006, were designed to blow up fuel lines and tanks and, ultimately, “the whole of Kennedy,” DeFreitas said in a taped conversation. The airport, the largest in the New York area, is located in the borough of Queens.The plotters conducted airport surveillance, including videotaping its buildings,Cheap Arizona Cardinals Jerseys, and sought expert advice, financing and explosives, said prosecutors in the office of U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch.They circulated the plan to an international network of Muslim extremists, according to the government.Abdul Kadir, 59, a former member of Guyana’s parliament, was sentenced December 15 to life in prison for his role in the plot. DeFreitas, 67, a former cargo worker at the airport, is scheduled to be sentenced February 17. In the trial in which Nur was to be a defendant, a jury convicted Kadir and DeFreitas, a U.S. citizen and native of Guyana, in August.A fourth defendant,Cheap Devils Jerseys, Kareem Ibrahim, 65, a citizen of Trinidad, was granted a separate trial, slated for April, due to a medical condition.The plotters sought support from Abu Bakr, leader of the group Jamaat Al Muslimeen (JAM), which staged a 1990 coup attempt in Trinidad that resulted in “numerous deaths,” according to court papers.The JFK plot members’ ultimate goal was to reach Adnan G. El Shukrijumah, who is wanted in connection with possible terrorist threats against the U.S. and who is a member of al-Qaeda, the Muslim terrorist group led by Osama bin Laden, prosecutors said.Nur was taped in May 2007 telling Kadir that he met with a JAM leader in Trinidad and presented the bomb plot to him, according to court papers. When he pleaded guilty,Cheap Nike Air Force One Shoes, Nur said he traveled to Trinidad that month to make introductions that might assist in the bomb plot.‘Form the Link’“His role was to present the plot,Alexis Sanchez Jersey, form the link, to Abu Bakr,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Marshall Miller told Judge Irizzary yesterday in asking for the maximum 15-year sentence.Miller said the evidence showed Nur was motivated by revenge because he had been deported from the U.S. after a drug conviction and because of what he views as the country’s unfair treatment of Muslims.At various times yesterday,Pat Tillman Cardinals Jersey, Nur told the judge he had been aware and unaware of the plot. She reminded him that in pleading guilty he admitted his knowledge of it and its goals.“I was wrong to travel with them to Trinidad,” Nur told Judge Irizzary. “I don’t know what made me do that.”Nur’s lawyer Daniel Nobel asked for a sentence of less than the maximum, in part because his client’s medical condition — Nur has lung cancer — essentially would make a 15-year sentence a life sentence, he said.Nobel said his client joined the plot for financial, not ideological, reasons. “Mr. Nur lived on the economic fringes of a developing country,” Nobel said.After the hearing, Nobel said he was “disappointed but not surprised” by the sentence.When he pleaded guilty, Nur said his legal name is Compton Eversley and that Abdel Nur is his adopted Muslim name.DeFreitas compared the plot to terrorist attacks on New York’s World Trade Center in September 2001 when two planes were crashed into the towers.“Even the twin towers can’t touch it,” he said in one recorded conversation jurors heard during his trial. “This can destroy the economy of America for some time.”