標題: Cheap Jerseys Online with intent to defraud

帖子 11754
註冊 2017-10-10
用戶註冊天數 2457
發表於 2018-6-21 12:46
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A 42-year-old Tucville resident was yesterday remanded to prison after he appeared in court to answer three counts of demanding money with intent to defraud.The accused, Terry Abrams, made his appearance at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court before acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson.The first charge read that on February 3 last, with intent to defraud, Abrams obtained $100,000 from Michelle Peters while claiming to be employed by the Ministry of Housing. It was stated that Abrams assured his victim that he was in a position to secure a house lot for her. That charge is indictable,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, and the accused was not required to plead.The other charge read that, between January 17 and January 31, Abrams,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, with intent to defraud, obtained $15,000 from Maria Pollard while pretending to be an employee of the Ministry of Housing. Pollard,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, too, was promised a house lot.It is also alleged that, on February 9, Abrams once again obtained money by pretending to be an employee of the Ministry of Housing. This time the court was told that Abrams collected $35,000 from Onikia Edwards on the promise that he would secure a house lot for her in Diamond.The accused was unrepresented in court,Wholesale Jerseys, but in his own defence,wholesale jerseys, he told the court that he has a fixed place of abode at the Tucville Government Compound.He told the court that he has two foster children that he cares for. Prosecutor Denise Griffith asked that bail be refused, since the police are currently conducting further investigations,Wholesale Jerseys 2018, as they have received similar complains from other persons. Bail was refused, and Abrams is expected to make his next court appearance on February 27.