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帖子 11754
註冊 2017-10-10
用戶註冊天數 2457
發表於 2018-6-14 08:47
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As we kiss the Old Year goodbye and embrace the New Year; as we take stock of our lives and set goals and make resolutions for the period ahead, I wish to make a special appeal to you.Many years ago, on a flight from Miami to New York, I read in a book the following quote: “We pass this way but once. Therefore any good we can do, any kindness we can show to any fellow human being, do it now. Do not defer or neglect it, for we shall not pass this way again.”That quote can be found pasted on all corners of the Kaieteur News office and editorial room.Today,China NFL Jerseys, I wish to send this same message to you and to urge you to not allow your lives to recede into ordinariness, but,Cheap Jerseys, instead, to use the beginning of this New Year to make a difference in the lives of others and in your country.I know that each one of you is unique and special in your own way.There is nothing wrong in seeking personal glory and success. But we should also strive to ensure that we contribute towards the betterment of the society in which we live, a society that ultimately also conditions the footprints that we leave behind after we would have passed through this world. History must not remember us for having failed to do our duty to our country. History must recall our bravery, our resolve and efforts to do what is right for our country.We must once and for all end petty political squabbling,Jerseys NFL China, vindictiveness and intolerance. We must put an end to the plunder and squandermania of resources which can better be applied to development. We must stop the political obstructionism and be prepared to support policies that will bring betterment to Guyanese.We must all – government, opposition and the people — join hands to solve the problems of Guyana. Let us all come together to make a difference.The media, I believe, has an important role to play in facilitating this process. Just recently,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, the Prime Minister of Grenada, Mr. Tillman Thomas, addressing the media in his country, observed that if the democratic system of governance is to be effective, it requires that the views of the governed,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, the opposition and all other stakeholders be heard and considered. He also emphasised that a free and unbridled media is a critical pillar in the efficient functioning of the democratic process.I believe that the promulgation of a Freedom of Information Act will greatly facilitate a better media in Guyana, and thus allow for the views of the governed, as well as of the critical stakeholders, to have their say in the process of development.I believe that the media can be the watchdog against political excesses and corruption. I believe that the media can help to bring our people together for development. I believe that the people of Guyana want betterment and are prepared to play their part in bringing about change.I believe that we can all make a difference this year. I believe that we must.I urge you all to heed my appeal to realise this change. Can we do it?,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, Yes, we can.MR. GLENN LALL,PUBLISHER OF KAIETEUR NEWS