標題: Cheap China Jerseys Authentic

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註冊 2017-10-10
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發表於 2018-6-13 16:03
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By Kiana Wilburg Since the Granger-led administration launched a series of forensic audits last year June,Wholesale Jerseys China, the citizenry hasDeputy Chief of Mission of the US Embassy in Guyana, Mr Bryan D. Huntbeen anxious to see the findings. Accompanying the anxiety is the accusation by the political opposition that Government is only using the forensic audits as excuses to fire those who served the former regime.Considering this, Deputy Chief of Mission of the US Embassy in Guyana, Bryan D. Hunt says that Government can certainly address the fears and uncertainty of the citizenry as well as the accusation by the political opposition in two ways.The envoy says that the coalition administration must move expeditiously where the forensic audits are concerned and that it must make the process transparent. He said that the government cannot go wrong should it adopt this approach.In a recent interview with this newspaper, Ambassador Perry Holloway said, “I think first and foremost that the government needs to move ahead with deciding the way forward with these audits.? You know an audit can tell you a whole lot of things.“It will give you things that are criminal and things that are noncriminal such as things that have to do with procedural breaches. So we don’t know what’s in those forensic audits.”The Deputy Chief of Mission said that it is important for the government to decide what it is going to do with those audits and make a determination as to what prosecutions need to go forward against those who violated the law and then move those cases into the judicial system.“And I would say that they do so in an expeditious fashion. Additionally, the best way to remove fear and uncertainty is to make the process transparent. If government moved to file cases against those who violated the law then absolutely that will deal with the uncertainty and fear in the public. But no one should get a free pass.“Also, I think they should move forward with prosecutions and then allow people to have their day in court and if there is a reasonable case by those accused, you allow the other side to present it, “expressed Hunt.The American envoy asserted that if Government has decided for whatever reason in a given entity,Cheap Jerseys From China, no criminal cases are going to be derived from the audit then it is important to make that known.The diplomat added, “The government at the minimum should make the employees, but ideally the public, aware that the findings of the forensic audits of Agency X will not result in any criminal prosecutions because they did not find sufficient evidence for criminal wrong doings.”Last week, Junior Finance Minister, Jaipaul Sharma,NBA Jerseys China, said that while he understands that the public may be impatient, he is asking them to just wait a little bit longer. Government is expected to release numerous forensic audit reports in a matter of two weeks, he said.He promised that it will not be a second longer than this deadline.Only four of the 50 forensic audit reports launched by Government have been released. These are the reports on the Marriott Hotel,Jerseys From China, the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL), Carifesta X 2008 and the acquisition of the water cannon by the Ministry of Home Affairs.Sharma said that most of the reports are complete but are under review as the respective entities must have a chance to respond to some of the damning findings uncovered by the forensic auditors.Some of the firms contracted to conduct the forensic audits included Nigel Hinds Financial Service, Ram and Mc Rae and HLB Seebarran and Co. Chartered Accountant Anand Goolsarran along with Harryman Parmesar were also contracted to conduct several forensic audits.Nigel Hinds Financial Service earned some $25M for auditing agencies such as the Guyana Oil Company Limited (Guyoil), the Guyana Energy Agency (GEA) and the Guyana Office for Investment (GoInvest).Ram and McRae bagged some $20M for auditing the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC), the Guyana Gold Board and the E-Governance Project among others.Sharma said that Cabinet is working at a considerable pace as it is looking into at least one report at almost every meeting. The Junior Finance Minister was reluctant to say how many reports will be released and in what order. He said that this is a decision that will have to be made by the Cabinet members.Sharma insisted that the reports must receive Cabinet’s blessings before being released.It was in May that the Granger-led administration began expending some $133M of taxpayers’ dollars on 45 of the 50 forensic audits to ascertain how the assets of the state were sold, disposed of or transferred under the previous administration. The remaini