標題: Rich dads how to live a decent retirement life, fi

帖子 268
註冊 2018-6-6
用戶註冊天數 2218
發表於 2018-6-8 10:11
分享  私人訊息  頂部
/ magazine reporter Jing Wong
at the end of December, the new happy drama "baby arrives" shows white collar DINK family life. Nowadays, in order to get better job opportunities, but also to have better quality of life and not want to have children, many DINK families have come into being. At present, nearly 20% of the big cities in Beijing, Shanghai,Discount Clothing, Guangzhou, Chengdu have already recognized the idea of not having children after marriage, and in medium-sized cities in China. There are at least 600 thousand "Ding Ke families".
Mr. Wu, 46 years old, is currently a sales director in a private furniture enterprise, with a monthly income of 15 thousand yuan after tax, with social security and housing provident fund. Mrs. Yang is 35 years old and engaged in financial work in a state-owned enterprise, with a salary of about 5000 yuan per month. Mr Wu is a typical DINK family.
Mr. Wu has 5 existing housing units, with a total market value of 3 million 800 thousand yuan. 4 of them have been paid off and there is still a loan remaining for 10 years, with a monthly demand of around 5000 yuan. In the 4 set of housing, a house with a market value of 700 thousand yuan is used for self occupation. The remaining 3 apartments are now rented out, with a monthly rent of 5600 yuan.
Mr. Wu's family currently has 600 thousand yuan in bank deposits, 200 thousand yuan in demand deposits, and 350 thousand yuan in stock market value; there are two vehicles, and the monthly oil price is about 2000 yuan. Two years ago, the couple had bought a big illness insurance, each year a total of about 10 thousand yuan, 4000 yuan per month and 30 thousand yuan per year for the rest of the fixed expenditure. The living expenses of both parents were not required by two.
/ financial goals:
because two couples do not have children, they hope to earn a decent retirement life of not less than 10 thousand yuan per month after their old age.
/ financial analysis:
's family's overall financial position is very good, with high income and stability. The total assets of the family are over 4 million 950 thousand yuan,Cheap Clothes Online, with 3 million 800 thousand yuan in fixed assets, 800 thousand yuan for bank deposits and 350 thousand yuan for stock investment. The debt debt is only 600 thousand yuan,nike shoes outlet cheap, and the deposit can offset the debt liability of the housing loan, and there is no pressure to repay the loan. The family can earn 135200 yuan per year, with a surplus ratio of 44%, much higher than the average of 30%. After analysis, the fixed assets (real estate) accounted for 76% of the total assets, and the cash flow was too large, accounting for more than 16%.
on social security benefits,Cheap Designer Clothing, Mr. and Mrs. Wu have social security and provident fund and other related benefits. Retirement pension after retirement is also considerable. But health care, only major disease insurance, the total of two people's total premium is only 10 thousand yuan, in case of major diseases, the current amount of insurance is difficult to meet the cost of treatment.
, as mentioned above, Mr. Wu's family financial situation is good, the asset inflation and value-added ability is not strong, the way of investment is relatively simple, the proportion of real estate is too high, the bank savings are too high, the life guarantee, the guarantee of disease and so on are not >