標題: Jerseys Cheap Wholesale 000 tonnes of paddy and 35

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註冊 2017-10-10
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發表於 2018-6-10 01:02
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By Jarryl BryanThere has been no communication from Venezuelan rice officials as to when shipments from Guyana can resume, and with the joint arrangement slated to officially end in November,NFL Jerseys Supply, local millers have taken matters into their own hands and are dealing with the tens of tonnes of rice and paddy originally destined for Venezuela.The 125,000 tonnes (90,000 tonnes of paddy and 35,000 tonnes of rice), which the Government had ordered millers to repossess and have sold after Venezuela issued a directive to Guyana to hold on shipments of rice, has since been reduced through the efforts of the millers.This is according to Deputy General Manager of the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB), Madanlall Ramraj, who revealed that the Venezuelan authorities are still experiencing logistical problems.He explained that there were still hundreds of containers of rice on the Venezuelan wharf, which had to be moved to various destinations for distribution. The large amount of rice being shipped to Venezuela, outside of the shipping schedule, is reported to have led to the country’s directive to halt shipments coming from Guyana as of July 10.Rice being loaded for shipmentRamraj indicated that since this happened,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, efforts have been made to find temporary markets for the rice left here. These overtures have gone out to the Panama and the French markets, among others. However the Deputy GM noted that with the French market, this was not a permanent solution but rather a one-off measure, created by the necessity of the situation.With the rice that remained in Guyana but was packaged for Venezuela, he stated that millers are still taking their rice back in order to sell to other markets. Asked about a definite amount of containers remaining,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, however,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Ramraj could not say.He explained that the rate at which the shipments were being moved prevented a definite determination. In terms of marketing, Ramraj stated that millers have also been out of the country seeking individual markets, and should these endeavours see at least 10,000-15,000 tonnes taken off of the country’s hands that would make an impact.Providing the current figures, Ramraj stated that for the year so far, exports have been capped at 326,Wholesale NFL Jerseys,278 tonnes, as of last week Friday (August 14). Some 254,690 tonnes of rice were exported up to the corresponding period last year.On July 11 it was reported that Venezuela had issued a directive for Guyana to cease all paddy and rice shipments to the country with immediate effect, four months before the PetroCaribe agreement/contract was scheduled to come to an end.Venezuela’s decision regarding the rice deal had come at a time when it was claiming sovereignty over Guyana’s territorial waters off of the Essequibo Coast.Subsequently, Agriculture Minister Noel Holder had sought to assuage concerns, stating that Venezuela had only instructed Guyana to ‘slow down’ shipments to the oil- producing country and return to the original shipping patterns. The Minister had provided assurances that the deal was not in jeopardy and that shipments had actually overwhelmed the Venezuelan rice officials, necessitating the directive.Despite this,Jerseys NFL Cheap, millers were instructed late last month to take back their rice and sell it to other markets, a directive that drew heavy criticism from millers, as the rice was already in the possession of the GRDB. Millers have also had to incur expenses associated with the moving and repackaging process.