標題: Jerseys NFL Wholesale of Mon Repos Housing Scheme

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註冊 2017-10-10
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發表於 2018-6-8 02:05
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Berbice police believe that they have busted a major piracy gang. They are certain that they have made a major dent in the piracy business with the recent capture of five men who were part of a notorious gang that rained terror on the fishing industry for some time.The men who are all fishermen and attached to one of the biggest fishports in the country The Number 66 Fishermen’s Cooperative,? were arrested? after they allegedly robbed? two fishing boats? in the Corentyne River.??? The five men suspected to be part of a notorious pirate gang were charged on Thursday.The men are? Captain Verasammy Rawana,Cheap China Jerseys, 46, of Number 68 village;? Levan Chanderpaul,? 23, also of Number 68 village; Vishal Gowkarran,Cheap China Jerseys, 31, of Number 68 village; Mohan David, 48, of Number 79 village and Avendardat Deodat, 49, of Church Street? Corriverton.The men appeared before Magistrate Krisendat Persaud at the Springlands Magistrate Court and were remanded to prison and the matters were transferred to the NO 51 Magistrate court.They were each charged with three counts of robbery under arms under the new piracy and hijacking act. They were not required to plead.The official was detained by police in Berbice after his boat was identified as the one used by pirates who raided several vessels, carting off their catch and engines and leaving the crews to drift ashore.Kaieteur News understands that the Fishermen’s Cooperative Society Chairman,Wholesale NFL Jerseys Online, Indar, was alleged to have purchased the catch brought in by the pirates.On Saturday, fisherman Leslie Veerasammy, of Mon Repos Housing Scheme, East Coast Demerara, and his three crew members were attacked and robbed by five men armed with guns and cutlasses.The men took away a quantity of fish, fish glue, grocery,NFL Jerseys China, a 48-horsepower outboard engine, a 12-volt battery, a compass and a GPS, and escaped, leaving the victims adrift.Veerasammy and the other victims managed to reach ashore on Monday and reported the matter to the police who, acting on information received, arrested the alleged perpetrators. Intense interrogation led to one of the suspects relenting and giving vital details of their operations.This newspaper understands that after being given the boat by the cooperative society official,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, the? crew was supposed to have spent more than 10 days at sea before returning.“The fact that they came in only after three days with all that catch should have raised eyebrows. So there is no way that the owner could not have known what was taking place,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale,” a source on the Corentyne told Kaieteur News.The squealer also led investigators to the two shotguns that were used in the attack.Kaieteur News was told that the 48-horse power engine was recovered from the bottom of a creek at Number 66 Village, after information was provided that it was stashed there.Police also arrested another businessman at whose home they recovered a quantity of outboard engine parts after he too was accused of being involved in the activities.One of the men charged is the brother of the Chairman of the Berbice anti-Piracy committee.Investigators have issued a call to boat owners who would have suffered losses due to piracy to come forward with a view to identifying some of the items seized during the police operations.Investigators are expressing their surprise that these men are so crude that they could robbed their own fellow fishermen.According to a source, the men had a well organised operation through which the catch is resold to the Cooperative. The gun is usually taken out wrapped up in the seine. Sometimes the boat will leave the wharf with one man short and this man would be picked up with the weapon afterwards.The pirate would usually hijack boats not from the Corentyne area and would head for Suriname. A few days later, they would return to Guyana. Recently they started to attack boat from anywhere.They could not easily escape to Suriname, because the authorities in that country have stepped up their patrol. The pirates started to attack in Guyana waters and that is how they were caught easily.The boat used by the hijackers is moored at the Number 66 Complex.Investigations are continuing and charges may be laid shortly against the Coop official. Investigators are also looking at a possible link between this gang of pirates and the five fishermen who disappeared earlier in the year.