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註冊 2017-10-10
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發表於 2018-6-16 00:41
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By Dale Andrews Dr. Bertrand Orin Harry left Guyana in April 2002 to further his career in medicine. A graduate of the University of Guyana in 2000, Harry felt stagnated at the Georgetown Hospital where he did his internship. There was no real upward mobility in terms of further medicinal research and realizing that there were greater opportunities in the United States, Harry made the bold step to move there knowing fully well that the challenge of integrating into the US medical field would be great.He was aware that leaving family and friends behind and venturing into the unknown was never going to be easy. But like a true pioneer Harry persevered and is now a practicing physician in Brooklyn, New York.In an exclusive interview with this newspaper in his adopted homeland, the former North Ruimveldt resident explained that after spending four months at the Georgetown Hospital, he had developed a desire to achieve further academically.This, he said, that one of the main reasons why he decided to move on.“I really wanted to make a greater impact on the lives of people. The fact that I had a visa, I just said that I should give it a try. The scope was there,” Dr. Harry told Kaieteur News.An avid Christian, Harry was also driven by a scripture in the bible and after praying a lot he took the giant leap of moving to the United States of America, where the opportunities to really harness his potential were enormous.He advised that young doctors like himself who are residing in Guyana should have a vision of where they want to be.“Not just, ‘okay, I go through medical school and that’s it’. It should really be ‘what do I want to be’,” he stated.With the medical world moving more towards specialist areas, enhancing ones’ academia is another factor that s motivating Harry.“Whether it’s Neuro-surgery, Pediatrics,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, Gynaecology or Gastro-enterology, whatever. You have to have that vision and to know how to really get there.”Harry said that unlike in Guyana,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, the United States has the resources that would enable young doctors to navigate their way towards their career goals.He said that coming out from Guyana the challenge was really uphill but he took them on one battle at a time with the help of God.Presently, Harry is still pretty much a general practitioner, but he is setting his sights of becoming an expert in family medicine.But the big challenge for him was getting past the American Medical Examination, which would enable him to be licensed to practice legally in the United States.He admitted that it was very difficult to get past that hurdle but he succeeded by applying himself to diligent studies.Being in the United States of America and not having a green card initially, Harry had to develop his own support network to sustain himself initially.He did not have the strong family support that some people enjoy when they migrate to the US.“In my case I had to basically work and study to support myself, but the exams themselves were very hard. A lot of studying, but when you really focus, the challenge becomes easier,” Harry explained.Despite the challenges, he was lucky to land his first job at a doctor’s clinic, six weeks after arriving in the US.At that time he had no green card.But having acquired a tax identification number he was able to obtain a higher paying job soon after.He spent four years at his new job and such was his performance that he was encouraged by a senior physician there to get himself licensed.Harry was subsequently granted residency status at the St. John’s Episcopal Hospital in New York.His two years there was a revelation and as he puts it, his brief practical experience in Guyana paid significant dividends.“Some of my experience in Guyana I was able to use. Medicine is medicine everywhere but it’s just that in Guyana we may be limited in what we can do for the patient. Over here everything is opened up for you,” the former St. Stanislaus College student informed.Harry is not alone, in terms of migrating doctors.He indicated that there are a lot of his colleagues who have chosen similar paths after graduating from the University of Guyana.“A few of them who I was in class with have come up and have been able to study and get past the system and are attending physicians at various hospitals and clinics,” he said.But despite the brain drain that has affected Guyana significantly, Harry believes that in the long run the experienced that will be gained will benefit Guyana.According to him, the plan is mainly for young Guyanese physicians to gain valuable international exposure and then at a letter stage when they are financially secured return to serve the country of their birth.“We want to come together and go back to Guyana and see what we can do to develop the country and its health care system. In terms of living, we may not g