標題: Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys Guyana under Jagdeo

帖子 11754
註冊 2017-10-10
用戶註冊天數 2457
發表於 2018-6-15 18:42
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eople know that while we have made progress on some things the overall picture is not a bright one.”? ?This is according to Leader of the Alliance for Change, Raphael Trotman,Wholesale Jerseys, commenting on the recently released report on Guyana’s Economic Freedom. He noted that year after year Guyana continues to fall below par on several internationally recognised indices.“This latest report joins a long list of international reports which portray a weak and struggling state. Guyana is a paradox in that whilst President Jagdeo wins international?plaudits for work on the environment,Adidas NHL Jerseys China, the nation continues to eat away at itself.”Trotman said that the basic domestic bread and butter issues continue to “dog us through endemic corruption, a weak legal system, and poor social services.”?He posited that the next government will have to be less concerned about international image and more concerned about the welfare of the citizens and the institutions of state.Meanwhile, the party’s Chairman Khemraj Ramjattan, in response to President Bharrat Jagdeo’s tirade against the report,Jerseys NFL China, said that his dismissal of the report is not unexpected in that, “He always felt that his opinion is better than that of the world’s leading business publication – one that world leaders in politics and business read every day by 6:00am and base their decisions on or use as a guide for the rest of the day.”Ramjattan posited that other Third World countries are getting their economies in line with what is happening throughout the world,Jerseys NFL China, re-adjusting to a globalisation that cannot be halted.“But you look at Guyana and see this Government living in a fool’s paradise.”The AFC Chairman said that he is, “ashamed when other South American and Caribbean businessmen, who I have met,Wholesale China Jerseys, lament how corrupt Guyana is and how it is the biggest barrier to pursuing business development here.”He said, “Instead of becoming stable and showing some level of improvement,NFL Jerseys From China, Guyana under Jagdeo, has fallen off the cliff… It is a dull Government which gives deals to their favourites, like Lumumbas and the Big Bs of Guyana…Which allows massive mismanagement and misjudgment like what happened to CLICO and GuySuCo.”