標題: Angel Di Maria Jersey GPHC

帖子 11754
註冊 2017-10-10
用戶註冊天數 2457
發表於 2018-6-15 03:17
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Forty-nine-year-old Crisnauth Kassinauth of Third Street, Queenstown, Essequibo, was, on Saturday last,Wholesale Jerseys Online, forcefully relieved of $350,000 while he was in the vicinity of Demico House.Kassinauth alleged that he was hit on the head and chest with an unidentified object and collapsed.The man said that he works with M.H. Kassim and the money that was in his possession at the time was his boss’s income from lumber sale. According to the man, the bag that contained the money also had some clothes and books. Kassinauth,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, who received treatment from the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPHC),Wholesale Jerseys From China, said that he reported the matter to Brickdam Police Station. However,Jerseys NFL China, when Kaieteur News contacted the rank identified as Detective Seeram,Cheap Hockey Jerseys 2019, that Kassinauth claimed to have reported the matter to; Seeram denied any knowledge of the matter being reported.Subsequently,Cheap Jerseys, the injured man contacted this publication inquiring, “Am I in any trouble?” He said that he was contacted by Seeram; asked why he reported the incident to “Kaieteur” and was told to come down to the Brickdam Police Station.Kassinauth said that he returned to the police station with every intention of reporting to Detective Seeram but the policeman had already left. The man said that since he had to travel to the Essequibo Coast he hurried for transportation.Last night from his Essequibo home the man said that his head was still hurting terribly. He said that his employer was very understanding and glad that the situation did not end in a fatality.