標題: Stitched Jerseys gl0uydys

帖子 11754
註冊 2017-10-10
用戶註冊天數 2457
發表於 2018-6-10 18:48
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Bandits early Tuesday morning broke and entered the T Town general store at Rose Hall town and stole over $ 4.6M in cash and other items.The store which is owned by Abdul Shafeek who resides at Corriverton Upper Corentyne Berbice was ransacked as the bandits made good their escape.About 01:00 hr bandits cut open the mesh in front of the store before cutting the lock entering the store which sells clothing,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, cosmetics and small electrical items among other items.After gaining entry the bandits then removed some of the most expensive items. They also broke open the cash register and removed over $2.5M that the owner had stocked away to conduct further business.Tenants who reside above the store heard the commotion and called the police who never arrived until daybreak.According to the owner this is the second robbery he has suffered. The police are investigating