標題: wholesale jerseys china Monday

帖子 11754
註冊 2017-10-10
用戶註冊天數 2457
發表於 2018-6-21 15:44
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The Guyana Police Force says it responded very positively to the matter involving Constable Victor Fausette,Constable Victor Fausettein keeping with its policy of utmost care and concern for the welfare of its members.This is in response to an article published in yesterday’s edition of the Kaieteur News under the caption “Police criticised for handling of Wismar shooting”, which dealt with the shooting of Police Constable Victor Fausette at the Wisroc Police Outpost last Sunday.The force stated that contrary to the allegation attributed to Constable Fausette’s mother, Marcel Bobb, in the article, that “up to late yesterday (Monday) afternoon, no one from the Police Administration had visited her son or spoken to her personally”, its officers have been in contact with her since the very night of the incident on a continuous basis.According to a statement from the police public relations office, the Divisional Commander of “E” Division (where the injured rank is stationed) Senior Superintendent Calvin Brutus,Cheap Jerseys Free, made telephone contact with Marcel Bobb, via her cell phone, during the night of the incident and apprised her of the incident and expressed the Police Force’s concern over the injury to her son.He also indicated to her that, at the time of their conversation, efforts were being made to transport her injured son to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation by ambulance.On Monday morning,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, the Force said, Inspector Oswald Pitt of “E” Division visited Police Constable Victor Fausette at the GPHC, at the behest of the Divisional Commander.In addition, during that same period,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, the Police Welfare Officer, Assistant Superintendent Lorraine Saul, visited the Hospital in order to see Constable Victor Fausette, but was unable to do so as he was in the recovery area of the Intensive Care Unit.However,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, she was informed of his condition by hospital personnel.The police explained that consequently,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, Assistant Superintendent Saul returned to the hospital for the lunch period visit that very day, where she was able to see the injured rank and was informed by another relative that his mother would be returning to the hospital for the afternoon visit.As a result, the Welfare Officer returned to the Hospital during the afternoon where she met with Marcel Bobb.She also expressed the Police Force’s concern about the incident and assured the woman of the Force’s readiness to assist in every way possible with the care and welfare of her son.During their conversation, the issue of some urgent medical amenities for use by the injured rank in hospital,Wholesale Hockey Jerseys 2018, as well as some other matters, were discussed and have since been dealt with.The Divisional Commander also met with Miss Bobb during his visit to the Hospital to see the injured rank yesterday.Meanwhile, reports are that Constable Fausette underwent a successful surgery yesterday for the bullet wound to his head and is resting comfortably.Kaieteur News understands that the rank showed significant signs of recovery by opening his eyes and moving his limbs.Fausette was shot by a Wisroc resident who relieved him of his weapon while he was being placed in the lock-ups.The shooter, Egan Richards was later shot dead by other ranks after he went home with Constable Fausette’s service revolver.