標題: Discount NFL Jerseys Justice Carl Singh

帖子 11754
註冊 2017-10-10
用戶註冊天數 2457
發表於 2018-7-9 08:43
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The Women and Gender Equality Commission (WGEC) yesterday expressed “extreme concern” over the fact that two persons who were found guilty of Robbery under Arms were given a slap on the wrist.The judgment handed for that offence has forced the WGEC to renew its call for sentencing guidelines, but this time the call being made is described as “urgent. “The Commission sent out a missive in which it pointed to reports in sections of the print media on August 4. The reports highlighted the fact that two youths robbed a business premises of millions of dollars while using a gun and were sentenced to 150 hours of community work. It was indicated that “light sentencing was given based on a favourable probation report”.But the influence of the “favourable” report did not go down well with the equality commission.The Commission said that even with such a report from a social worker,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, “the Magistrate should have recognized the serious nature of the offence and sentenced them accordingly.”Further,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, the WGEC said that a quick perusal of sentencing for robbery in the last few weeks would show,Cheap Jerseys, “without a doubt,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, that there is need for urgent guidelines since offences of a similar nature gets three years and more” .The Commission had, back in 2013,Cheap NHL Jerseys Online, met with the former Attorney General Anil Nandlall to express similar concerns and had requested sentencing guidelines.Also in that year, the Commission met with the Chancellor of the Judiciary, Justice Carl Singh,Cheap Jerseys China, to discuss the same issue. The Chancellor thereafter, facilitated a meeting with the Commission and all Magistrates where “sentencing guidelines” were among the five issues raised.“We share the concerns expressed with those who are of the view that there is urgent need for sentencing guidelines”.