標題: Cheap NFL Jerseys China Kitty

帖子 11754
註冊 2017-10-10
用戶註冊天數 2457
發表於 2018-7-6 00:10
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As the days draw closer to Guyana’s first Local Government Elections after more than two decades, elections-related violence raised its ugly head in the Kitty area.Rahim being attacked as he lay on the roadway.Around 17:00 hours yesterday,Wholesale Jerseys Online, Iqbal Rahim, a supporter of one of the contesting groups was brutally assaulted by an independent candidate contesting Constituency #2, Kitty area as Rahim was erecting flags on a utility pole.Rahim claimed that the independent candidate known as “Bulldog”,Wholesale Jerseys China, who is associated with one of the leading political groups in Guyana,Jerseys NFL Cheap, stomped and kicked him about his body,NFL Jerseys Outlet, causing him to seek medical attention at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation.He told Kaieteur News that he was about 12 feet up a ladder erecting flags on the utility pole on Dowding Street, Kitty, when the thug came up and pulled away the ladder causing him to fall to the ground.“He start kicking me and tell me that I must tek down dem flag from de post,” Rahim stated.Kaieteur News understands that several persons witnessed the attack and one of them contacted the police, who responded promptly.However by then the bully had fled the scene.Rahim was subsequently taken to the hospital where he had his cut eyelid stitched and treatment for his lacerated lip.He said that he was very surprised by the attack and will be seeking justice from the police who had not apprehended the suspect up to late last night.Kaieteur News understands that “Bulldog” acted as a bodyguard for well known persons who campaigned for the ruling A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change at last year’s general elections.“Me and this man campaign together to change de government and look wha he do to me,Adidas Hockey Jerseys Cheap,” Rahim lamented.When contacted last evening,Stitched Jerseys, leader of Team Benschop, Mark Benschop, denounced the actions of the independent candidate.“This type of thuggery is unacceptable. This is not the change we voted for. We are calling on the APNU+AFC to denounce this thuggery because Team Benschop will not be intimidated,” Benschop stated.According to Team Benschop the attack on Rahim is not an isolated incident.Earlier yesterday, while campaigning in Tucville, Constituency 12, Team Benschop candidates Mark Benschop, Royston Alkins and volunteers were trailed by Deputy Mayor Patricia Chase -Green and several persons in her company.“The Deputy Mayor would have arrived at the exact spot Team Benschop was campaigning right after they got to the neighborhood as if they were summoned. The persons did not make direct threats but acted in a way we deem intimidating.”“On February 8, 2016, our candidate for Constituency number One, Ms. Supatra Abraham, was instructed by her immediate superior at the Georgetown Hospital Corporation, to stop campaign as a candidate for Team Benschop or face disciplinary action.”Team Benschop said that it views these acts as infringements on citizens’ rights of association and freedom of political opinion as guaranteed under the constitution.Team Benschop is calling on all right thinking and law abiding citizens to condemn these attacks.