標題: Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping without her consent

帖子 11754
註冊 2017-10-10
用戶註冊天數 2457
發表於 2018-7-20 03:08
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The preliminary inquiry for embattled promoter, Colin Mack,Wholesale MLB Jerseys Pro Shop, continued yesterday before Acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.Yesterday as the matter was called, the prosecution,Cheap Jerseys Online, which was headed by Prosecutor Seetaram asked the court for the matter to be adjourned since his superior, Police Prosecutor Denise Griffith,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, had an emergency and could not have been present.Lead attorney for Colin Mack, Glenn Hanoman,Cheap China Jerseys, stated that since the prosecution is seeking an adjournment,Supply Cheapest Soccer Jerseys, he was making a bail application.The lawyer said that the prosecution had claimed that if Mack was released on bail there is the likelihood that he would interfere with the victim. He said that the prosecution was given an opportunity to conclude the virtual complainant’s testimony twice.However, Prosecutor Seetaram stated that the only way Mack can be admitted to bail would be when the complainant would have finished giving her evidence.The prosecution was granted their application and Colin Mack would have to remain a guest of the state.The matter continues today at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.Colin Mack is accused of having sex with a 19-year-old, on April 12, without her consent; he is still not required to plead to the charge.