標題: Cheap Jerseys Wholesale 20

帖子 11754
註冊 2017-10-10
用戶註冊天數 2457
發表於 2018-7-24 01:36
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– police allegedly places false chargeThere was a controversial courtroom scene when an alleged robbery under arms detainee appeared to answer the charge against him.Vincent Hinds, 20, was on Friday taken to the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court and was not required to plead to the indictable charge before Magistrate Sueanna Lovell. He had allegedly robbed Travis Clarke of one gold chain valued at $337,000 and one cell phone.Hinds was represented by Attorney at Law Patrice Henry who said that his clients lived at Lot 20 Blueberry Hill,NFL Jerseys China Online, Wismar. He is a miner working in the interior. Hinds is the father of one.The prosecution stated that on October 24 Travis Clarke was walking home when Hinds and another person attacked? and robbed him at gunpoint. The court prosecutor claimed that the accused was later identified and charged with the offense.Henry retorted that his client had been detained in the lock ups since Monday,Cheap Air Max 270 Mens, way beyond the stipulated holding time. He claimed that his client was never placed on identification parade nor did he supply the officers with a caution statement.The lawyer turned to the court stating the he now wondered what evidence the police had to keep his client in custody.The prosecution returned that the defendant was identified by the victim as the culprit. This comment outraged the lawyer. He sprang to his feet,Cheap Jerseys From China, insisting that it was nowhere mentioned in the witness statement that the accused was fingered.Henry described as false claims that the man was identified. He said that the police constantly play with the liberty and lives of persons. He urged the prosecution to prove the identification claim in the witness statement.It was subsequently understood that the defendant had not been identified by the victim as stated by the prosecutor.The prosecution later stated that Hinds was not fingered for this offense he currently faces but he was in fact identified for other offenses. The prosecutor also admitted that Hinds was not placed on any identification parade but that he was positively identified by the virtual complainant before being arrested.This only annoyed Hinds’s Lawyer further. “One time you say he was identified by the virtual complainant and now you say he was fingered for other acts,Cheap Football Jerseys,” the lawyer said frustrated.The magistrate seeking to put an end to the back and forth between the angry lawyer and the prosecutor,China Jerseys Authentic, decided to grant the man his pre trial liberty. Hinds was placed on a $100,China Jersyes Cheap,000 bail sum. The matter against the 20 year old was further transferred to the Christiansburg Magistrate Court for November 1.