標題: Cheap NFL Jerseys Swine Flu

帖子 11754
註冊 2017-10-10
用戶註冊天數 2457
發表於 2018-5-13 12:09
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Just after the Health Ministry recently reported its first two cases of the HINI virus (Swine Flu) to the International Health Regulation Focal Point at the World Health Organisation (WHO), another suspected case has been identified at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).According to the hospital’s Chief Executive Officer, Michael Khan, a patient was recently examined at the institution carrying the symptoms associated with the virus.He added that so far the hospital has only seen one possible case of the virus and the patient’s particulars have been forwarded to the Health Ministry for further testing.According to a recent release issued by the Health Ministry, it was at 14:00 hours two Saturdays ago that Guyana reported the first two cases of the H1N1 virus had been identified.It was detailed in the release that both reported cases reside in Georgetown and were traced to international contacts.However, it was highlighted that the local persons who were identified as Guyana’s first two confirmed cases sought medical attention at private hospitals. They have been contacted and have been treated for H1N1, the release added.And according to Minister Ramsammy,NFL Jerseys Clearance, while the Ministry continues with its original plan to monitor the virus,nfl jerseys china, it has now incorporated the contact-tracing feature.This measure,Discount NFL Jerseys, the Minister related,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, means that the Ministry has examined all of the persons who have been in contact with the two persons infected with the virus in order to prevent the possibility of it spreading.Meanwhile, according to Health Minister, Leslie Ramsammy, the National Public Health Laboratory has now developed the capacity to test for the H1N1 virus, commonly referred to as ‘Swine Flu.’The Minister had however noted that the laboratory recently acquired the equipment to conduct the test,Cheap NFL Jerseys, but it cannot be done until it acquires the reagents. Since reagents cannot be acquired commercially,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, the Ministry of Health was forced to source it from the Centre for Diseases Control (CDC).According to Minister Ramsammy, a negotiation process is currently ongoing with CDC for that body to make it available to the laboratory as soon as possible.