標題: 2018 World Cup Russia Jerseys teenage pregnancy

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註冊 2017-10-10
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發表於 2018-6-2 01:01
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– Assisting Guyanese to lead more fulfilling livesExpress Guyana launched a Psycho-Social event for youths attending schools around Georgetownand its environs. The focus was on children in Forms Three to Five.Nick Boodhoo: Recovering drug addictThe programme is aiming to improving the health and well-being of the citizens of Guyana by contributing to the reduction of the prevalence, and impact of social challenges such as domestic violence,Wholesale Air Max Tn, teenage pregnancy, youth crime, violence and suicide.The Director of Youth, Melissa Carmichael, addressed the attendees. She focused on the importance of addressing the issues at hand and her office’s commitment to working with the Express Guyana.Psychologist Will Campbell,Cheap Nike Shox, said that he specifically focused on domestic violence and intimate partner violence.He told the women that they need to respect themselves and not accept treatment anything less than respect. They should know their worth and value, he added. He told the males that they should always respect women and see them as equal.He told the students to look out for the warning signs of domestic violence and to avoid such relationships.Campbell stated that sexual harassment on women is a huge problem in Guyana that needs to be addressed quickly.Campbell said that his team was able to counsel over 20 students,Nike Shox Women Clearance, some of whom have suicidal tendencies, face bullying and challenges in their home environment. He said that some of them required follow up measures, while some are referred to Ministry and Social Protection and the Child Care and Protection Agency.His team will also be doing follow-up session with the students who are troubled with depression.Campbell stated that the Express Guyana launch was a successful one which was well attended. The schools are giving great feedback. He hopes to see the programme in all the regions of Guyana so that students can get the necessary help.Mr. Nick Boodhoo, a recovering drug addict,Nike Air Force One Shoes For Sale, told the students that he did drugs for 20 years and he was glad that he was given the opportunity to speak with the younger generation on the effects and consequences bad choices can lead to. He told them to live a positive life and don’t give in to peer pressure.Boodhoo said that he was able to get over his addiction by following a 12-step programme on narcotics and stated that it was not easy, that it is an ongoing process, “You just don’t come off drugs in a day.” Boodhoo encouraged the student to stay away from drugs,Air Max 97 Silver Bullet For Sale, stay focused in school and stay away from bad company. His new motto is “Say yes to life; no to drugs.”The production was built on a storyline that created links between the social challenges of focus and understanding of one’s true identity and awareness. The first item was a skit entitled Guyanese Vendor which was used to establish the social context of the production.A powerful spoken word piece written and performed by Leeanna Allen, entitled Outgrowing encouraged victims of domestic and sexual abuse to grow beyond those occurrences in life.The second narration drove home the importance of rising above the past or current situations of the social and mental health providers collaborating with the launch.A play entitled Her Reality addressed teenage pregnancy. Guyana has the second highest rate of teenage pregnancy in South America and the Caribbean with 97 in every 1000 females between 15 and 19 giving birth.Because of this, Express Guyana saw it fit to speak to this issue. A monologue on drug abuse was masterfully performed to the youths to choose a different path.Thereafter an original song written by Leeanna Allen entitle Stand Tall was performed by herself and Chavala Layne, moving the audience to find strength in their difficulties.Some of the students attending the event.The third narration again emphasized the need for a hopeful attitude and the services readily at their disposal at the event.It also reminded the audience that Guyana has the highest rate of suicide in the world with 44.2 people in every 100,000 taking their own lives and driving home the need to ensure that none of them become a statistic.The Express Guyana has been in existence for four years.The Executive member, Leeanna Allen, said that the non-governmental organization decided to do some of the things they do best by having a production launch title Guyana,Nike Air Force One Shoes Women, our home.The aim of the group is to equip youths with information and skills to cope with and minimize the impact of these social ills, connecting with them throug