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標題: Taylor Gabriel Falcons Jersey has to stop [打印本頁]

作者: Ewjfvj4C    時間: 2017-12-3 12:02     標題: Taylor Gabriel Falcons Jersey has to stop

There is a concept that any protest in Guyana is unacceptable. That is according to Mike Mc Cormack of the Guyana Human Rights Association (GHRA).Mc Cormack was responding to queries about the actions of the police in response to an aborted protest march by supporters of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), yesterday.The police fired rubber bullets to force the protestors to disperse, wounding several persons including Former Chief-of-Staff of the Guyana Defence Force, Brigadier Edward Collins and attorney-at-law James Bond.Mc Cormack said that he was almost in time to see what prompted the police’s reaction to the protest which he described as quite peaceful from all appearances. However he believes that the police’s actions were on the excessive side.“What is happening is almost predictable. The concept of protest has been criminalised for a long time now. (The word) peacefully has been taken away from protest now,” the GHRA Executive Member told the media at the Square of the Revolution in the aftermath of the ugly incident.He said that the best way forward is to “get the temperature down”,Cheap NFL Jerseys, explaining that if people want to protest things like the way the elections went, they have a valid right to do so.But Mc Cormack pointed that if the protests should turn violent, there is every reason for the authorities to take measures to address that.“But this anticipation that any kind of protest is unacceptable, has to stop,” Mc Cormack said.He said that he arrived on Hadfield Street when the shots were being fired and later observed several casings scattered along the streets.He said that the fact that he did not receive any information of any disorder before the shooting suggests that the police actions took into consideration that any protest was unacceptable to the authorities.“This use of force as almost a first order of dealing with things is unacceptable.”Mc Cormack suggested that the authorities should adopt a reasonable approach in light of what happened last week. “They must expect people to protest. The idea that any protest will automatically?? disrupt business and therefore is unacceptable, is a series of illogical conclusions,Cheap Jerseys, and we have to take each issue as it turns up and deal with it in a civilized and dignified world,” the GHRA Executive Member said.APNU supporters have launched protest actions to demand that the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) carry out verification of the statements of poll.Recently, the Private Sector Commission (PSC) had condemned any attempt by any political party and its supporters to resort to unlawful public protest aimed at creating an environment of public fear and the destabilisation of the country.Chairman of the PSC, Ramesh Dookhoo, said that the commission has accepted the results of GECOM and urged immediate national acceptance of these results.He said that the Commission wishes to remind all of the political parties and their supporters that irrevocable harm will be done to the country’s economy and its financial stability by any refusal on the part of any one of the contesting political parties to accept these results.“The people have spoken through a democratic process endorsed by all of the international observers. It is time now that the country returns to normalcy and gets on with the business of giving expression, through the duly elected Government and the National Assembly,Wholesale Authentic NHL Jerseys, to the will of the people,” Dookhoo said.He said that the business community has been suffering tremendously. It is losing money in the current atmosphere of insecurity.Meanwhile, the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) described yesterday as another dark day in the history of Guyana this country, ?? ?which it said comes less than a week after President Donald Ramotar “promised this nation peace and unity.”According to the GTUC, the police shooting of persons engaged in peaceful social action is not where the people of this country desire to go or should be going.The GTUC said that there is an inhumane,Wholesale China Jerseys, naked intolerance for dissent and the rights of citizens, adding that Guyana is not moving forward but is sitting in the abyss of socio-economic and political decay.“The fact that the unattended grievances which gave cause for another street protest today, and of which the State police have resorted to violence on a non-violent group is a grave act of injustice, under a Commander-in-Chief, who days ago promised this nation to do business differently from his predecessor. The bloody era of intolerance has not come to an end. The bloodied bodies and injuries of those who were the recipient of State police barbarity is the responsibility of Donald Ramotar and the blood of thes

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