標題: Stitched Jerseys Winston Martin

帖子 11754
註冊 2017-10-10
用戶註冊天數 2457
發表於 2018-7-24 04:42
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Doctors are battling desperately to save the life of a 24-year-old man who fell several feet to the ground from a scaffold yesterday afternoon.The man,China Jerseys For Sale, Winston Martin,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, is in the Intensive Care Unit of the Georgetown Public Hospital and doctors have given him a fifty-fifty chance of survival according to relatives.The incident took place around 14:00 hours resulting in Martin sustaining severe head injuries as a result of the fall from the third storey of the three flat building on Sheriff Street.Reports are that the young man,Wholesale Football Jerseys, who hails from lot 904 South Sophia, is a mason by profession and was carrying out work on the building when he fell.His mother,Cheap China Jerseys Authentic, Joyann Martin,cheap nfl jerseys online, told Kaieteur News that her son was climbing on the third flat of the building and there was a make-shift floor with thin plywood at the end of the floor.Her son’s co-worker had explained to her that Winston was making his way to the end of the floor on the said plywood when he fell.She said that a beam partially broke his fall preventing the young man from falling directly to the ground,Discount NFL Jerseys, which could have been more catastrophic.He was picked up in an unconscious condition and rushed to the hospital’s accident and emergency unit.Martin was later transferred to the ICU without regaining consciousness.Kaieteur News understands that Winston Martin only began working at the building one week ago.Relatives said that this is not the first time that someone had fallen from the building which has been under construction for quite some time now.