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註冊 2017-10-10
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發表於 2018-7-24 02:38
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– local staffers to operate independentlyLocal surgeons operating at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) may soon be able to perform kidney transplant procedures without the assistance of overseas-based specialists like Dr Rahul Jindal, who recently undertook the first such operation in Guyana on July 19 last.Dr Jindal,Cheap NFL Jerseys, who was aided by a team of doctors and nurses from the United States, performed the inaugural operation on 18-year-old Munesh Mangal,Jerseys NFL China, of Lusignan, East Coast Demerara, with his 41-year-old mother, Leelkumarie Nirananjan Mangal, being the donor.??????????????????????????????Both the lad and his mother were on Monday discharged from the GPHC, and are recuperating satisfactorily.And there have been promises that other such operations will soon become a reality through the expertise of Dr Jindal and the sponsorship of New York-based businessman George Subraj, who also funded the initial operation.Health Minister Dr Leslie Ramsammy has said that his ministry does not intend to see the project coming to an abrupt conclusion after two or three operations are performed.“We don’t start these projects as a one-time thing…If this was a one-time thing I would not have done it. I simply would not raise people’s expectations to that level just to have a show,” the minister said.Dr Ramsammy explained that, ever since he agreed to embrace the venture, it was immediately intended to become a part of the permanent menu of services that will be offered by the public health sector.He, however, admitted his uncertainty as to where the resources will come from to fund the continuance of the programme, which he regarded as a difficult challenge.Additionally, he disclosed that while the ministry is ensuring that the programme is continued, it has been observed that the greatest challenge is not in the area of finances,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys China, but, in fact, there is the limitation of the human resource.“The challenge is always the human resource part, and as long as we can mobilise people, the programme will continue,” he added.At the moment, the minister revealed, the expertise of Dr Jindal and his team will be sought to provide service and mentorship to the local team, which had first-hand exposure during the recent transplant operation.And according to Dr Ravi Prohit, a medical surgeon based at the GPHC, the impartation of knowledge to local staffers is urgent, since their exposure to Dr Jindal’s techniques may be very limited.Dr Prohit,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, who claims to have prior experience in kidney transplantations, noted that whatever is taught by the expert doctor will be undoubtedly retained for future operational procedures here.“Basically, our first two cases will be working with him (Dr Jindal), but right now it is not a one-man show, we have to work as a team (both clinically and administratively). We will definitely carry on without people having to wait long periods once there is a donor.”It was mooted by Dr Jindal that measures will be put in place to have difficult cases done in the United States.He assured, too,Cheap Jerseys 2018, that he will volunteer his services to train staffers, even as he speculated on the possibility of some persons being trained in the US.Minister Ramsammy says it is his desire that the local team eventually be able to fully run the programme in the near future since, according to him, “Having somebody coming in and doing it for us one, two or three times makes no sense.? We should instead focus on the things we know to do, and do them best.”The minister said that he envisages that an ongoing relationship will continue to build capacity locally for kidney transplantation operations,China Jerseys, in order to make it a permanent part of the sector.And it is the expectation of the minister that the private sector will continue to work with the ministry in order to promote expansion of dialysis services locally.