標題: Wholesale Cheap Jerseys Leon Suseran

帖子 11754
註冊 2017-10-10
用戶註冊天數 2457
發表於 2018-7-20 10:22
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A turning- of- sod ceremony on Friday marked the beginning of a massive reconstruction of the Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church. The restoration is being conducted to the tune of $85M.Parishioners, well wishers and religious leaders of the Catholic Church in Guyana gathered at the site where the former 143-year-old church once stood.The Church of the Sacred Heart, once referred to as the ‘Gem of Main Street’, had its origins in 1861 when a chapel designed by Fr Schembri was opened on Christmas Day on the Main Street site. The church originally catered for the Portuguese and Masses were all said in that language.The design and plans for reconstruction of the church have been agreed by the Sacred Heart Rebuilding Committee, headed by Ramsey Ali and Roman Catholic Bishop of Georgetown, Francis Alleyne, OSB.The committee has already raised $24M and is optimistic that the project will continue to be funded once it is seen that work has started.Ali told the gathering that three buildings would be constructed at the site and that the pace of the works would be dependent on how quickly the rest of the money would be raised. There will be the main church building and there will be a facility for priests and a parish hall.Those behind the project have pointed out that at present they do not have all of the money needed to complete the structure. However,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, they said that a number of potential donors have told them that once plans are finalised and the reconstruction begins, they will be ready to consider financial and other assistance to the project.The wooden Sacred Heart Church was destroyed in a matter of minutes on December 25, 2004, mere hours after church goers left the midnight Mass.Bishop Alleyne,Cheap NFL Jerseys, prior to turning the sod on Friday,Cheap NFL Jerseys Free Shipping, stated that apart from the rebuilding of the church, there will be other buildings in the complex, namely library facilities, a place for archives, media and the Catholic newspaper as well as internet would be built on the same grounds.“It is still at the stage of dream, discussion and sketching. But as this vision takes form, the intention of hope that we can put as much as possible in place to access every means to better know and live our faith”, the church leader said.“Today we turn the sod,NFL Jerseys Supply, so that we can plant the seeds of our visions,Jerseys China Wholesale, of our hopes. That we can allow that breath of God to breathe into all that happens here as it takes shape and become the living presence of God, a presence that may thrive here for all to see and benefit from”, His Lordship stated.The contractors will begin work tomorrow. They are Alan Fernandes and Jerry Max Gouveia. First set of works include the laying of a foundation and a steel frame structure.Ali told the gathering that prior to the sod turning, $10M was already spent on clearing the burnt out site, a sum that was raised by Jesuit priest, now deceased Fr Chira.On Friday, several persons,Cheap NFL jerseys China, including those from the business community were on hand to make on-the-spot cheque donations. (Leon Suseran)