標題: Cheap NFL Jerseys M&amp

帖子 11754
註冊 2017-10-10
用戶註冊天數 2457
發表於 2018-7-19 08:10
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Several stallholders met with Government officials yesterday as concerns grow over the removal of stalls lining the La Penitence Public Road outside the La Penitence market.The area around the La Penitence market is being seen as a major traffic bottleneck for commuters heading to the city in the morning peak hours.Recently, to ease congestion,holesale Soccer Jerseys, Government repaired Saffon Street, a main artery to the East Bank Demerara and signaled plans to reintroduce two-way traffic.However, this entailed the removal of an estimated 50 stalls said to be sitting on a drain and lining the roadway.Over the weekend, Mayor of Georgetown, Hamilton Green, met with Minister of Public Works, Robeson Benn,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, at the market site to discuss the reopening of Saffon Street which authorities hope would reduce congestion in the face of little options.But yesterday, stallholders, insisting that they have been operating there for years, disagreed that they are blocking traffic. Additionally, they questioned plans to route some traffic through Albouystown, a proposal that is being met with disapproval from interest groups there.Some contend that already the Mayor and City Councilors of Georgetown (M&CC) has committed to a plan.The meeting was held at the Dolphin Secondary School, Charlestown.According to Rawlston Adams,Wholesale Stitched Jerseys, General Manager of the Demerara Harbour Bridge and a representative of the Ministry, yesterday’s forum was part of the consultation process and the suggestions will have to be taken back to the authorities for consideration.He stressed that the congestion on the East Bank Demerara,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, which is also fed traffic from the West Demerara area and also a key link to the country’s major airport at Timehri, is at a critical stage with the situation likely to worsen as traffic increases.Adams disclosed that the Saffon Street project involves the police, the Ministry of Home Affairs,Cheap NFL Jerseys Store, Public Works and M&CC.Drawing a parallel, he pointed to the worsening traffic situation on the Demerara Harbour Bridge which led to authorities introducing a daily system of restricting traffic flows at peak hours in the morning and afternoon.Many commuters are suffering because of congestion and every possible option is being considered.According to one businessman, a committee to consider the Saffon Street area and make recommendations would be the way to go. There were also suggestions for street markings and pedestrian crossings.It was pointed out also that many stallholders who would be affected by any possible removal have bank loans and mortgages.The authorities were urged yesterday to consider the entire situation in a “holistic manner” since several small businesses would be affected.Over the weekend, Mayor Green had said that while the city’s management had no problem with the moves to ease congestion, more information is needed.M&CC also recently announced restrictions on containers parked in the city which from yesterday would need prior permission. On the East Bank Demerara,NFL Jerseys Cheap, heavy vehicles have been restricted during peak periods.