標題: Wholesale NFL Jerseys PTA

帖子 11754
註冊 2017-10-10
用戶註冊天數 2457
發表於 2018-7-6 02:07
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What should have been an exciting first day of school for students of Stella Maris Primary turned out to be a disaster, since neither the internal sections nor the compound of the school were prepared for their arrival.The primary school was slated for a September 8 (yesterday) opening since it,Cheap Jerseys Supply, along with a few other schools, was undergoing extensive rehabilitation which could not have been completed for the scheduled September 1 opening date for all other public schools.The ordeal at the primary school commenced some time after 08:00 hours yesterday when parents had begun bringing their children to the institution and started observing that not only the compound was in an unkempt state but the classrooms were also in a similar condition.The girls’ washroom was water-logged as was some sections of the compound which took on a swampy appearance.Adding to the already shocking state-of-affairs was an exposed electrical connection and the scent of fresh paint.Several angry parents related their concerns to teachers who also expressed dissatisfaction at the situation.The state of affairs became so intense that Senior Education Officials as well as President of the Guyana Teachers Union,Authentic Jerseys From China, Colwyn King, were summoned to the school to examine the extent of the dilemma.According to King, the despicable situation was brought to his attention by both teachers and parents, even as he noted that the problem was brewing before yesterday.?The water-logged girlsThe GTU President explained that teachers of the school had brought to the attention of the union some time last week that officials of the Ministry of Education had asked them to make themselves available to clean the school.King said that while most of the teachers were reluctant to engage such an undertaking, some decided to voluntarily offer their support with the understanding that the Ministry would send assistance.?“They (Ministry officials) called them on Friday afternoon for them to do the cleaning…Some of teachers turned up in the interest of the students and education,Cheap NFL Jerseys, but nobody from the Ministry turned up…,” King related.He pointed out that upon the teachers’ arrival there was no one from the Education Ministry, noting that only the construction workers and painters could be seen scurrying around.They however,Cheap Jerseys 2018, engaged in some amount of cleaning but were unable to clean the entire school and compound.And so, according to King, it was only expected that the school would not have been prepared to accommodate the students yesterday.“The teachers tried…but really they are not the cleaners…They are not paid to be cleaners but they offered their service but did not get the promised support from the Ministry.”King revealed that when he visited the school yesterday he observed that the classrooms were not prepared and the environment was not conducive for teaching and learning.“Examining the washrooms they were not in good order…The state of the compound was ridiculous,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, there was a lot of shrubs and rubbish around. Although the place is for the most part dry, a particular section of the compound was noticeably water-logged…electrical wires were visibly dangling…”King said that it was based on the surreal tour of the primary institution that he advised the teachers to “go to a safe haven.”According to the GTU head he pointed out to the teachers that although they were ready and willing to work, the laws of Guyana state that “the environment must be conducive to teaching and learning and the environs must not pose any danger to their lives or limbs.”In light of this, King said that he urged the teachers to sign their time but opt to occupy either of the adjacent secondary schools (St Joseph or Tutorial High) instead.“That is the stand that the union has taken…I recognised that members of the Parent/Teacher Association (PTA) were there and they had a number of concerns…Even they had started cleaning the school and realised that it was ridiculous and parents begun taking their children away…”King pointed out the arrival of a senior education official still did not serve to appease the situation.He disclosed that the Principal Education Officer for Georgetown, Ms Chandrakala Ramsammy, arrived at the school but had nothing to say to the union.King said that he is however very concerned that the students were exposed to such an appalling condition at a school, which in fact could cause them to misconstrue what is generally acceptable in society.He categorically noted that “the union is interested in the delivery of education in