標題: Cheap Authentic Jerseys Treasurer –

帖子 11754
註冊 2017-10-10
用戶註冊天數 2457
發表於 2018-6-20 15:50
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The Guyana Association of Women Lawyers (GAWL) at its Annual General Meeting on May 29, last, elected its new executives for the fiscal year 2015/2016.Elected to serve are President – Ms. Sadie Amin; Vice President – Ms. Ramona Rookhum; Secretary – Ms. Ayanna McCalman; Treasurer – Ms. Shellon Boyce and Ms. Jaya Singh-Backreedy – Assistant Secretary/Treasurer.The Committee Members are Ms. Coleen Sparman,NFL Jerseys China, Ms. Judy Stuart, Ms. Anita Mohan-Hamilton and Ms. Natasha Vieira.Outgoing President, Ms. Simone Morris-Ramlall, updated the members present on the activities of the Association over the last year which included outreaches to out-of-town communities, in-house seminars,NFL Jerseys Supply, a child rights conference in collaboration with UNICEF and the Guyana Bar Association,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, fundraisers, social events, a monthly newsletter and production of a Local Government and You booklet.Reports were also presented by the Secretary,Wholesale NHL Jerseys, Treasurer and the GAWL’s representative on the Guyana Legal Aid Clinic Board of Directors. Additionally, amendments to the current Constitution of the Association were discussed by the membership.Ms. Amin thanked the members for reposing their confidence in her to head the GAWL and committed to continue the outstanding work of the Association which she noted has a history of strong leadership and institutional mechanisms to guarantee success. She also thanked the outgoing and continuing Executive for a job well done.In a planning meeting the new Executive members crafted their plans for the upcoming fiscal year which include a visit to the women’s section of the New Amsterdam Prison,holesale Soccer Jerseys, collaboration with various civic organizations whose mandate includes women and children,Jerseys NFL Cheap, free ‘roadside’ legal advice; distribution of the Association’s premium publication: The Law and You; partnering with the Local, Regional and International Bar Associations on matters of mutual interest and the launch of the Deborah Jan Backer Memorial Scholarship.The late Mrs. Backer was the Charter Secretary of the GAWL when the Association first came into existence in 1987.The new President has held several positions on previous Executive Councils of the GAWL and is currently the Secretary of the Guyana Bar Association. Ms. Amin practises law in Essequibo and holds memberships in various civil society organizations.