標題: Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping 072

帖子 11754
註冊 2017-10-10
用戶註冊天數 2457
發表於 2018-6-15 04:57
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– 1763 Monument, Fort Zeelandia for rehabilitationBids were yesterday opened for the construction of four police outposts and the rehabilitation of seven police stations across the country.The National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) also announced bids for the construction of the Lethem and Leguan Magistrate ?Courts and the rehabilitation of the 1763 Monument.Works will be done to construct police outposts at North Ruimveldt,Agustin Marchesin Jersey, Georgetown; Crabwood Creek, East Berbice; Hogg Island, Region Three, and Abary, Region Five.On the coastlands, at West Demerara, the Vreed-en-Hoop and Wales police stations are slated for repairs. In Region Two, the police stations for repairs are at Aurora and Suddie while the Sisters and Springlands stations are also to be repaired.Bids for the construction of Lethem Magistrate’s Court are below. The engineer’s estimate is $55,133,402.BiddersAmountBK International$62, 499, 244Atlas Construction$51, 247, 771Parhmanand Nundalall$35, 785, 970Deoharry Shivsahai$64, 943, 603Horizons Construction$39, 663, 741KC Kumar$54, 106,Cheap NFL Jerseys Supply, 030Pacific Service Systems$47, 755, 600Project Design and Construction Limited$43, 174, 302The engineer’s estimate for the Leguan Magistrate’s Court is $6,701,563. The bids:BiddersAmountDabydeen Construction$5, 900, 158Horizon’s Electrical$7, 479, 351JPMS General Construction$5, 314, 155S. Maraj Construction$6, 230, 894Pacific Service Systems$7, 041, 386… Engineering Company$5, 771, 046KC Kumar$7, 536, 772Deoharry Shivsahai$6, 560,Cheap NBA Jerseys, 040Sayed Khan$6, 224, 370Bids were opened for the rehabilitation of the 1763 Monument together with the construction of a security hut and sanitary block. The engineer’s estimate is $5,574,420. The bids:BiddersAmountJPS General Construction$4, 710,Wholesale Jerseys 2020, 260R W Electrical and Services$5, 222, 594Maya Constructions$5, 191, 893The engineer’s estimate for the rehabilitation of tourist site, Fort Zeelandia, Fort Island, is $2,976,000. The bids areBiddersAmountBholanauth Ramraj$2, 951,Jerseys Wholesale, 540Sayed Khan$3,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, 485, 366Dabydeen Construction$2, 908, 240R W Electrical and Building Contractors$2, 538, 970Pacific Service Systems$2, 758, 308JPMS Construction$2, 483, 760Bids were also opened for the construction of Police Officers’ living quarters at Lusignan. The Engineer’s Estimate is $3,280,868. The bids:BiddersAmountWilliam F.N. Ferrell$2,890,540Handell Garnette$2,922,880Ali Ahmad$3,072,980R. Persid Construction$3,166,820And bids were opened for resurfacing of the driveway and parking lot at the Audit Office.The Engineer’s Estimate is $3,496,200. The bids:BiddersAmountMPN General Contracting$2, 705, 200Ivor Allen$7, 632, 614Handell Garnette$4, 208, 500Kares Engineering$2, 476, 800