標題: Save love

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註冊 2018-6-6
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發表於 2018-6-9 03:58
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HTML templates save love
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there is a virus in the world called love... Looking at the story "saving love", which is moving to the heart, it not only reminds the Song Dynasty of the song "Yan Qiu", "ask what the world is, and teach people to live and die." That is the touching love story in the film. From the rescue of love, we can also see a side of real society. Is it really necessary to save love? If so, it must be a great sorrow for the world. Originally, love is very precious. Do you not hear "life is precious, love is more expensive"? However, under the drive of interests, people's hearts are also changing, which is more shameless than the chameleon. They say: men are rich and bad, women are bad and rich. From a dialectical point of view, it is indeed reasonable, but it has lost the beauty of human existence. In society, like Qin Liang, the kind of ungrateful apprentice is often seen, but the pure love of the ice children is few, until the situation of extinction, which may be the deep meaning of salvation. Although the mirage type of love exists in the real society, people eventually yearn for true love. Just imagine, who will be willing to stay with a fellow bedfellows? In time, then his (her) heart must be painful, after all, money, status,Nordstrom Rack Outlet, rights and other wonderful things can not really replace love ah! Indeed, some things in the world, when you have time and not to cherish, and when you lose,belk clothing, even cherish the qualifications or opportunities, such as the movie Qin Liang in the magic of love, achieved success, but he did not cherish and always lost the true love, isn't it a regret? Some people say that a woman wants her husband to be her last man, while a man wants his wife to be his first woman. This also shows a psychological bias between men and women. Perhaps a man who plays with emotion has been happy for a while, but after he played, is it not a pain? A sincere need is needed between people. Only sincerity can resolve all grudges and displeasure, and only sincere can get a real love. The film has given the feelings of the human world a kind of education and guidance, and also a classic dialogue, most of these classics are from a true love of the mouth of the person. Yes! As ice said, your happiness and happiness are my happiness. But what a pain he felt when a beloved man made a fearless sacrifice but could not understand it. When he made such a sacred choice,revolve clothing mall, it also meant that his great tolerance conquered all selfish psychology, which was the so-called true love. Save love? When love does not need to be saved and natural love arises, then a sincere and selfless love will be everywhere in the world. Young friends, let's cherish every true love. Let us keep that virus called love forever, never kill it and let it live in our hearts forever.