標題: Jerseys NFL Cheap

帖子 11754
註冊 2017-10-10
用戶註冊天數 2457
發表於 2018-6-6 23:23
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Muslims countrywide observed Eid Milad-un-Nabi or Youman Nabi yesterday which underscored the struggles for justice, peace and equality while reflecting on the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad.Most Masjids organised Youman Nabi functions and deliberated on the importance of the Prophet’s message in today’s society, including the moral teachings of the Prophet Mohammad. The prophet’s message of peace is particularly relevant today as humility and kindness are needed within society.President of the CIOG Fazeel Ferouz addressing an early gathering at the Peters Hall Masjid on the observance of Youman NabiPresident of the Central Islamic Organisation (CIOG), Fazeel Ferouz noted that it’s a rapidly changing world, dominated by man’s inhumanity to man,Cheap NFL Jerseys, “where might is right and the poor are taken advantage of by the rich; where women and children are abused and we witness daily the senseless acts of war; where innocent people are killed in large numbers in the name of fighting terrorism. We must ask ourselves,Cheap NFL Jerseys Online, are we better off today or more advanced than our ancestors? The answer is simply, No.”Ferouz stated that some Fourteen hundred and thirty years ago God Almighty sent the Prophet Muhammad and in a period of twenty-three years, he was able to change the conditions of his society which were similar in almost every respect to the one we are living in presently. He did this with the message of the Quran and his beautiful conduct of living.Females gathered at the Peters Hall Majid in observance of Youman Nabi“Each year,NFL Jerseys Cheap, Muslims all over the world celebrate with joy, the birth of the Holy Prophet Muhammad and this celebration of the Prophet’s birthday is known to Muslims as Eid Milad un Nabi or Youman Nabi” said Ferouz.President General of Anna Catherina Islamic Complex (ACIC), Hakeem Khan explained that this day,Wholesale China NFL Jerseys, is a day which must fill the hearts of Mankind with great joy. The Prophet Muhammad, he said, was the person who translated in his life, qualities that are associated with great character.As a result, Khan said the ACIC is calling on all Muslims to observe special prayers for the solidarity, prosperity and integrity of the Muslim community; local and worldwide. Additionally, it is urging Guyanese to strengthen national unity by emulating the footsteps of the Holy ProphetPresident of the Guyana United Sadr Islamic Anjuman (GUSIA) Badrudin Hassan said generations of nations are preserved by the teachings of Muhammad. “They experienced progress in their affairs to the extent that indelible footprints of the past and guidance of the future permeates the history of mankind. The establishment of progressive nations and successful people are results of adherence to the guidance of Prophet Muhammad,Cheap Jerseys, the final Prophet of God to mankind.”The earliest observation of the Prophet’s birth as a holy day was arranged privately somewhere in the late twelfth century. The only difference from before was that there was an increased number of visitors to the Mawlid house that was open for the whole day specifically for this celebration. This particular event took place on Monday, 12 Rabi’i,Jerseys NFL Cheap, which is commonly known as the third month of the Islamic calendar that is associated with the beginning of Spring.