標題: China Jerseys Wholesale Amendment

帖子 11754
註冊 2017-10-10
用戶註冊天數 2457
發表於 2018-6-3 11:26
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The Guyana Government has returned its Anti Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Bill to the National Assembly. This was the Bill that was rejected in the House last month, causing Guyana to be blacklisted by the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force.The Bill was returned to the House by Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs,NFL Jerseys China, Anil Nandlall.The Legislation will be debated when the House sits again as it was only read for a first time,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, given that it was a resubmission and will have to start the process from the beginning.Minister Nandlall also resubmitted three Bills that had been rejected by the House and were at the time piloted by Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee.The Bills on that occasion were rejected primarily because the opposition had passed a motion of no-confidence in Rohee,Cheap Jerseys, calling for him to be removed as Minister,Cheap Jerseys From China, but this was not done.Nandlall resubmitted the Evidence (Amendment) Bill, Firearm (Amendment) Bill as well as the Summary Justification Procedure (Amendment) Bill.The Alliance For Change (AFC) in its most recent pronouncement on the Bill said that the Party is cognizant of APNU’s intention to table a number of amendments that will strengthen the Bill.“In a spirit of compromise, the AFC is prepared to work with the other parliamentary parties, APNU and the PPPC,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, to ensure that Guyana’s financial landscape benefits from both strengthened anti money laundering laws and oversight of public procurement…This is possible if the political will is there.”The party did warn that it will not stand by and allow itself to be manipulated into supporting the Amendment Bill while the Government filibusters over the establishment of the Public Procurement Commission.“Our Roadmap is clear,Nike NFL Jerseys China,” the party said.